giving support to western monastics

Help a nun

“As long as space endures and there are beings in it,

I too will remain to eliminate the suffering of the world.” 



current fundrisingmake a donation
about me

Life as a nun

Hello! My name is Damchoe Dronme, and I am a Spanish nun in the Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. 

I left my country following my main teacher’s advice and came to Asia to receive my monastic vows and to practice and study the Dharma —the teachings of the Buddha—.

Becoming a nun is the most meaningful, profound and worthwhile thing that I have done in all my life.

Despite the challenges and difficulties, there is not a single day that I wake up and do not feel a deep gratitude to my teachers for giving me this unique opportunity and towards the people who are supporting me on this path. 

How beautiful it is when human beings come together in synergy to create something beneficial for the world. Since the time of the Buddha Gautama, collaboration between the lay and monastic communities has been essential. They benefit from each other and in the Asian countries this vision is clear, and strong and supportive communities are stablished.

About you

Why to become a sponsor

the present moment

Nevertheless, in the West Buddhism is still like a baby. There is only a limited understanding of the value of having access to this sacred knowledge and the immense benefit it can bring to every being. In general, Buddhist nuns and monks are unknown and there are still no structures to help support our spiritual practice.  This means that we have to struggle and face really hard times in order to cover all our needs and to have access to proper religious education and training.

We leave behind everything to be able to fully devote our life to study and practice; to embody what the Buddha taught, and uphold the teachings so that others can have access to them. You really need to have a pure motivation that drives you to keep going, because you truly believe that this is of great benefit to others. This is something that goes beyond ourselves.

the goal

Buddha taught that the real cause of our suffering and continued dissatisfaction comes not primarily from external causes, but from our own mind. It is our way of interpreting reality that causes us to suffer. Genuine happiness is already within us, it is simply obscured by veils.

Mind in its purest state is itself unlimited wisdom and compassion. We all have the potential to develop these qualities of mind to their fullest. But in order to do so, we must tame our mind. Only us are responsible for our own happiness and that of others. And to be able to do that, we need people who have walked this path and can, therefore, help us to do the same.

Between the nun/monk and their sponsors a very special relation is stablished. The teachings say that the one who takes care of us will receive exactly  the same merit —positive karma— that we generate and that this will definitely enhance their spiritual development ♥

getting involved

How can you contribute

Especific projects

Study of the Tibetan language, meditation retreats and expenses to be able to attend Dharma teachings and empowerments.

Covering basic needs

Medicines and hospital expenses, food and others.


current fundraising project

Translator Training Program (TTP)

tibetan language study

One of my deepest wishes is to be able to understand the Dharma directly in Tibetan. It is a unique and sacred language that has a very profound story behind and it is an important cultural heritage for our world.

I have been living in Nepal for the last two years, and recently moved to Katmandhu with the hope to get more help to continue my studies and finally achieve a high degree of proficiency in this language.

That is why I am praying to be able to find people willing to support me financially to join RYI (Rangjuny Yeshe Institute). It is an important institution that provides higher studies in Buddhist Philosophy and Himalayan languages here in Katmandu. The TTP is an specific one year very intensive program to train Tibetan to English oral interpreters that also covers most of the Classical Tibetan studies.

The outcome

This would allow me to translate and to collaborate to make Dharma texts and teachings available in English and Spanish, which is my mother tongue. Many years before, Tibetans brought the Dharma from India to Tibet. If we want to really stablish the Dharma in the West, part of this goal requires to have  translators and interpreters who are also heartfelt practitioners. Dharma goes far beyond the academic approach, and translations should reflect that too. Translations must have "a soul".

Beyond that, I would really like to share what I have learned with other monastics, so all our monks and nuns have the chance to receive a better training as monastics.

Our efforts become meaningful when they help to make other's path smoother.

what we have already achieved with your kindness

Help me to make this project come true


raised from a total of 11.000€

Days left








without your unvaluable help nothing would be possible

Thank you from the botton of my heart